Sunday, 9 May 2010

From bad to worse: trigger warning for rape-excusing bullshit

Last weekend, I was discussing with my parents and brother the reasons I find it hard to get along with him. A mediated discussion, if you will, to try and make our last fortnight of living together as smooth as possible.

I highlighted the difference between my values and his, and how these play out when he makes jokes about rape (along the lines of "well, she was asking for it, hur hur hur"). I don't think he actually *believes* that a woman wearing a short skirt is asking to be raped. The problem is that he thinks it's funny to joke about it. As I see it, the difference between me and my brother is that he thinks rape is an issue to be joked about, whereas I will fiercely, but calmly, challenge rape humour whenever I hear it. I would hope, on a basic level, he would agree with me that women never deserve to be raped.

BUT the gap between my dad's views and mine seems to be a lot wider. When I was giving the example of my brother joking about women "asking for it (rape)" my dad's response was along the lines of...
"Well to be honest when you have these young women who dress provocatively and go out and get completely drunk and then lead these young men on and get them all fired up, and then have a moment of clarity and decide they don't want to sleep with them, well I think those women need to take responsibity!"

To me, that sounds a lot like a reworking of the "she was asking for it". It sounds like in this imagined situation, if a woman was drunk, and wearing clothes that a man deemed to be worn to encourage him, if she had behaved in a way that he believed was leading her on, and he had then tried to have sex with her, he wouldn't need her consent because she has been behaving in a way that effectively gives consent. If he has sex with her against her will, that is, *if he rapes her*, she needs to take responsibility for that.

NO! If a man has sex with a woman against her will, he needs to take responsibility for the fact that he is a rapist. Anything else is victim-blaming, rape-excusing rubbish. And I can't believe I am having to have this argument with my father!

There are so many things wrong here.
  • The idea that women who are drunk are at fault for letting their guard down (not the fact that after a certain point of drunkeness, a person can't legally consent to sex).
  • That if women dress a certain way it automatically suggests sexual availability (rather than a woman wearing clothes she wants to wear for any number of other reasons. Those reasons may include attracting the opposite sex, but they are not an invitation to sex).
  • That if a woman 'leads a man on' she has to expect to have sex with him. (This one really makes me angry. The idea that if you cross a particular threshold - flirting, dancing with, accepting a drink, kissing, getting naked with... that once that threshold has been crossed you lose the right to say no to sex.)
The most terrifying thing was that this wasn't someone joking about rape culture, dragging out the tired "she was asking for it, hur hur hur" formula. This was an adult, trying to to explain to me that in certain situations, women are responsible for being raped.
I raised the concern that my brother makes jokes about women being responsible for being raped, in the hope that my parents would back me up and agree that rape isn't an issue to joke about, but instead my dad went off on a tangent to explain how sometimes, he thinks it *is* a woman's responsibility that she was raped.

I was so completely floored by this comment that I could hardly respond.

I told him I completely disagreed about that hypothetical scenario, that I felt that two people could even be in bed naked together and a woman could still say she didn't want to have sex, and if the man forced sex upon her that would be rape.
But that also, we weren't talking about if it was a woman's responsibility that she was raped in any given hypothetical situation, we were talking about whether it was ok to joke about it!

I was shocked that my father held these views. Shocked and upset. What if I had been the woman in his hypothetical scenario? If I had had (what he deemed to be) too much to drink, if I was wearing (what he deemed to be) provocative clothing, if I had been behaving in way that (he deemed) was leading a man on, if I ended up in a situation where a man tried and/or succeeded to have sex without my consent, then would I be the one needing to take responsibility?

I didn't ask him if his point of view would still be the same if I was the woman in his story. Because it was bad enough hearing him blame this hypothetical woman for being raped. I didn't want to hear him saying he would feel the same if it was me.

To her credit, my mum did state that she didn't share my dad's views. But my brother said nothing.

I know that my father and I have different views on many things. I suspect I come across to him as a progressive who is so open-minded her brain is about to fall out. A woolly-minded guardian-reading liberal. We disagree about a lot of things, and I can usually cope with that. I put it down to the fact that we are from different generations, that we have very different life experiences. We generally have a good relationship, and I'm not holding up this one interchange as a representative snapshot of what he is like. I don't think he is a bad person.

I just thought he would share my view that women are never asking to be raped. I thought that was one of my less radical, progressive views. It would appear I was mistaken.

1 comment:

  1. I have come across this kind of discussion before, as well as having to deal with revolting "jokes" about rape. It's never funny. I think you handled the situation well, and hopefully your family will go away and seriously consider what you said (even if they dont want to admit that they were wrong). I loved the "so open minded her brain is about to fall out" phrase :) At least you know that you're right, and you are by far not the only person that feels that way x
