Friday, 5 February 2010

All You Can Read

Today I was so excited to be rejoining Leeds University Library as a graduate member, that I nearly ran all the way there (which to be fair, would only have taken me about five minutes as I still live so close to the campus).

I wanted a copy of "The Dialectic of Sex" so I could read chapter 7 for a feminist book group next week. I'd left it too late to pick up a secondhand copy online, and the Leeds central library didn't even have a copy on the catalogue. The book group is run by the Leeds University feminist society, and after checking the University library catalogue online and then spending a few minutes begrudging the fact that most members of the group could just walk into the university library and pick up a copy, I remembered that as a graduate of Leeds University - so can I!

Getting a graduate library membership is something that has been at the back of my mind since I graduated (2006) but I've just never gotten round to it. I had in my head that membership was for an academic year, and so each time I remembered that I wanted to join it always seemed to be so far through the year that I should just wait until the next year. As it turns out, the card they gave me today is valid for 5 years, and I don't need to renew it on a yearly basis.
Best of all, because it I have a reference only card that doesn't allow me to check out books, it was free! (To get a card that allows me to actually borrow books would cost £50/year. I'm not going to go that far just yet, I'll have the reference only membership for a year or so and see how that suits me.) Because the other thing about the university library (and by that I mean the Brotherton Library, not the Edward Boyle Library; Leeds University has two libraries) is that not only is it a mere ten minute walk from my house, it is also a LOVELY place to spend your time. It's a circular building with lovely wooden panelling, a basement floor with the most amazing floor-to-ceiling shelves, cubby hole desks where you can hide away for hours at a time. I don't need to take the books home with me, I can quite happily read whatever I need to read whilst I'm there.

So this weekend, you can find me in the library. Reading feminist theory. For FUN.


  1. Can we do a library date sometime? We could read books and then go for coffee and chat about what we have been reading.x

  2. That sounds absolutely delightful. Yes please! Maybe one Saturday morning? x

  3. Champion. Are you free this sat? Not sure if I am yet, but I can let you know. x

  4. I'm not free this Saturday, but I am Sunday morning, if you are? x
